Leaks Happen – Be Ready!  You know the normal sounds your home makes.

The air conditioner turning on as the hot days of summer begin. The heating system starting up on a cold, winter evening. The creak of a loose floorboard as someone walks slowly through the house.

What you don’t normally hear — and you do not want to hear — are the sounds of spraying water from a broken pipe or hose, or a broken hot water tank or water filter system. Even worse is when this happens when you aren’t home and upon arrival you wade through inches of water on the floor, or duck from the dripping water from an upstairs leak.

When water damage occurs (and statistics say water damage claims are among the highest with insurance companies) you need to act fast! The #1 concern is to think “safety first.” Before entering into any areas of the home that are damage from flood waters, be sure that the power is turned off. Nothing is worth getting an electrical shock or worse!

Next, find the water turn-off valve and stop the flooding. Many homeowners aren’t sure where the water turn-off valve is located. Now is the time to figure that out, and even put a tag on it so it is easy to find, especially in the dark or in the beam of a flashlight. Don’t delay… find that valve and mark it!

It’s always best to be prepared. Contact your water damage restoration contractor (RestoreUnow) and get the info you need to be safe… just in case. RestoreUnow is available 24/7 and always has a live owner or manager to answer your call. We will dispatch a crew to you within 1-2 hours or less and start the cleanup process. We’re here when needed so don’t hesitate to call us!

Kindest Regards,

Michael Phelps

Certified Mold Professional

ICRA & IICRC Certified


